1. Classes are limited to friends & family of the same bubble! (People that you live with or have daily contact with) so that tracing can be made easier and we can take the necessary steps to assure the safety of our staff and your family. FACE MASK MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES!

  2. At least 6- 12 feet of distance will be maintained between attendees/members at all times, taking into account movement during class sessions.

  3. Rooms are well ventilated with outdoor air circulation.

  4. Attendance of classes will be by appointment only and scheduled prior to the class.

  5. Physical distances during class are marked using tape or decals on the floor or walls to denote where members should stand to ensure appropriate distancing.

  6. There is enough space to allow people to enter and exit without coming into close contact with others (i.e. create a buffer zone for ingress and egress).

  7. At least 30 minutes between classes to allow for appropriate ventilation of the fitness room and cleaning and disinfection of the floor and commonly touched surfaces. The room is made off limits until this has occurred after each class has ended.

  8. Congregating outside of fitness classrooms with people putting on shoes or equipment should be avoided. People should arrive at the class dressed and prepared with appropriate individual gear .

    General Cleaning & Disinfection Guidance

    1. Members thoroughly clean and disinfected used equipment (pads, bags, boards etc.) after each use.

    2. Only clean equipment should be placed back on a storage rack or in a container to be ready for the next use.

    3. The facilities supplies cleaning and disinfecting materials and they are readily available in each room with instructions on use. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is made available at entrances/exits, bathrooms, group class rooms, and throughout the facility.

    4. Staff has developed a process and schedule to routinely and frequently clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces (e.g., door handles, pens, keyboards, etc.), common areas (e.g., bathrooms, locker rooms), and equipment at a minimum of every 2 hours while the facility is open and in operation.

    5. Cleaning and disinfection follows CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfection. We follow the cleaning and disinfectant instructions for use for appropriate wet time to ensure proper disinfection & check that the product is not expired.